Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It is time for Africa

Egypt has always been in the position of a regional major player, what is going on its land usually finds it`s echoes and effects regionally and in a lot of cases internationally,

Whether Egyptians like it or not but this is the case, a big deal of cleverness and experience should be there when trying to balance between all of the ideologies and views.

Between its role in Africa, Arab world, Islamic world and its commitment to hot spots as the Palestinian-Israeli case. More or less this is pretty well known and a matter of common sense. But the doubts now are whether the Egyptian youth after the revolution of 25th of January have what it takes to be able to effectively and productively achieve this balance.

We strongly believe that the Egyptian youth have all what it takes and even more, they can take it to another unexpected level as they already did in their revolution.

Surprisingly now we also believe and recommend that this time the Egyptian people should start with Africa. As Egypt around more than 30 years ago was building very good relations with its fellow Africans they have always been friends and colleagues in a lot of common dreams and projects. But unfortunately the previous regime resulted in a major crack in these historical relations also resulting in Egypt losing a lot of credit concerning its African colleagues which certainly was the result of the decisions of few personnel and has never been the desire of the Egyptian people.

Now it’s the role of the Egyptian youth to prove to the world and especially Africa how they are capable of rebuilding peaceful and productive bridges achieving their positive role and duty.

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