Monday, August 29, 2011

Green Anarchism

Do not wanna repeat something you can find on Wikipedia : Green AnarchismAnarchism.
However there is a link between the Green ideology and Anarchism that some consider very strong and others consider the Green anarchists are an extreme for the Green ideology especially for primitivists (while Green Anarchists should not necessarily be primitivists).

One simple link is that one of the most important values the Greens are oriented with is resources and sustainable management for the earth`s resources, while one of the most values the anarchists are oriented with is a method of management based on a stateless theory.
An example for that is building eco-villages managed by an anarchist methodology.

The Green anarchist is also oriented with the impact of the method of management of a state with limited number of personnel controlling the resources and taking decisions based on their own good only which contradicts with the Greens ideology for grassroots democracy, social justice and non-violence while sometimes the "state" use "violence" for the good of the personnel in charge.

Lots of books & theories have been issued about Green anarchism, I invite you to read the above mentioned Wikipedia links, however I believe that Green anarchism has current and previous examples and applications in Africa, Middle east & South east Asia.

Also check out this video:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Will twitter control the coming Egyptian parliamentary elections?

An initiative by some Egyptian activists named Tahrir council is aiming at setting certain qualities & specific criteria for the candidates of the coming Egyptian parliamentary elections and basically aiming at supporting youth and encouraging them to positively play a role in the change.

A twitter methodology was suggested & shared simply using hash tags as follows :
A hash tag for the initiative: #Tahrircouncil #Egparliament2011 plus a hash tag of the zone for example #Giza #Cairo #Alex …..then stating problems of the zone , proposed candidates that the initiative supports , updates & violations. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

UN decade on biodiversity

The Greens of Libya

Translated from the Egyptian Green Party: Official website

The leaders of the Egyptian Green Party have held few meetings with the founders of a new Green Party in Libya around 2 and half months ago, in order to support them and discuss means of cooperation.

The Egyptian Green Party support the new Libyan Green Party, we congratulate the Libyan people for their revolution and pursuit for a democratic, free and peaceful Libya.

The Egyptian Green Party is looking forward fruitful cooperation between the countries of North Africa supported by the Green parties as a common ideology that may play an important role in such cooperation.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Video of the #Flagman

The Egyptian guy who climbed more than 20 floors to replace the flag of Israel with the Egyptian flag in the Israeli embassy in Cairo on the 20th of August 2011

Check out my new blog

Dear all.. kindly go through my new blog : "amuslimliberal"  the blog is neither aiming at preaching Islam nor liberalism it is just another attempt to explore common grounds and avoid potential struggles.

I would like to highlight that the "Green" ideology is neither classified "Liberal" nor "Religious". So that is why the blog represents a neutral third party point of view.

Finally I would highly appreciate if you liked any of the articles to share it & kindly send me your comments on twitter / Facebook / Blogger / email.

We want bread & jobs..Not more war

A sign raised in Tel Aviv in the twentieth of August protest…after several protests from the Israelis they found the response was in a potential problem on the Egyptian borders.

Unjustified actions that made the Israelis themselves wonder about them.
Nobody wants war neither the Egyptians nor the Israelis and again we want to confirm the outstanding general 
feelings of the Egyptians about their dignity and that it is untouchable and here comes the dilemma.

Peace & non violence is all what we call for , effective negotiations that satisfies both parties- and by parties I mean "people" not "governments"- are essential even if this lead to cancelling a peace treaty and negotiating another one with a whole new terms because peace is the ultimate goal.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Megalomania-tic scream

How Megalomania played a role in the emergence of Nirvana was one of the chapters in my writings ten years ago "The Egyptian way to Nirvana".

Megalomania is the worst disease we are facing in Egypt now for instance some of the ones who declared they will run for the presidential elections or intend too, they sort of spend all day long daydreaming of how great they will be running Egypt & the universe and dedicate very little time to listen or understand what is really going on and those of them who made it to the media you can feel ego radiated from every single atom of them.

Going down in the political & social organization chart the same disease also exists, one of the most dangerous effects of this disease is major waste of the most valuable asset  "time" without really solving anything….we definitely have to start finding a cure.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Egyptian Greens are coming

In an era the last thing we are looking for is ideological conflicts and mocking each other in an endless controversial dialogue….

The country as a sinking boat with loads of basic threats we have to stand all together to face real challenges not being mesmerized all day long with inconvenient media struggles.

The medetteranian sea level is rising threatening Alexaneria and Delta , 22% of our lands is occupied by mines banning us from developing those wide areas, Water and air pollution are killing us and lowering our productivity ,the danger of nuclear energy and burring nuclear waste poisoning our ground water and jeopardizing development is there, the lack of scientific-based sustainable development is a disaster destroying our heritage.

The Egyptian Green Party is active again with scientific and grassroots wings..Support it stand for true, important causes..It is the party that literally talks about the future on scientific basis…Think Green…support us !!

The Greens are the future: The rise of the Green movement

The Green movement and the rise of Green politics around the globe are definitely coming and may be sooner than expected.

A common ground …ecological wisdom..Keeping the rights of the future generations in resources…Saving 
earth from potential dangers can only be opposed mostly by lobbyists who have certain interests against this mentality or "mega" businessmen who do not even care about earth, environment and rights of future generations.

The Greens generally should be everybody`s friend and can be the mediator in any potential conflicts with their Green message and agenda plus standing for some other causes and ideologies as the women rights, grassroots democracy, social justice…etc.

The Green ideology is the coming progressive revolution in our wait for it and support it.

Walk like an Tel aviv

Well this is a witness for the complexity of global emotions towards peace…the revolution that stroked Israel July 14 starting by asking for improving the standards of lives, protesting against unemployment…etc can be interpreted in several ways however the most unlikely case is that ending occupation is one of those demands as some pointed out, we need to be realistic.

However the Israeli youth and government have to understand that there is an opinion saying that they will always involuntary live in fear unless there is a convenient terms of peace and confession of the Palestinian country.

Peace is the ultimate goal that we all seek this value is not categorized into Muslims, Christians and Jews…Free humanity from outdated governing methodologies and synergizing are also key measures ,and if each group has their own goals which may contradict with each other's so let`s work together on getting there with minimum amount of blood. 

Note : Photo from a protest in Haifa