Do not wanna repeat something you can find on Wikipedia : Green Anarchism – Anarchism.
However there is a link between the Green ideology and Anarchism that some consider very strong and others consider the Green anarchists are an extreme for the Green ideology especially for primitivists (while Green Anarchists should not necessarily be primitivists).
One simple link is that one of the most important values the Greens are oriented with is resources and sustainable management for the earth`s resources, while one of the most values the anarchists are oriented with is a method of management based on a stateless theory.
An example for that is building eco-villages managed by an anarchist methodology.
The Green anarchist is also oriented with the impact of the method of management of a state with limited number of personnel controlling the resources and taking decisions based on their own good only which contradicts with the Greens ideology for grassroots democracy, social justice and non-violence while sometimes the "state" use "violence" for the good of the personnel in charge.
Lots of books & theories have been issued about Green anarchism, I invite you to read the above mentioned Wikipedia links, however I believe that Green anarchism has current and previous examples and applications in Africa, Middle east & South east Asia.
Also check out this video: